Sunday, August 28, 2011

Personality test

I took a personality test! I was expecting it to remind me that I run these streets and that I am a boss. However, the results showed that I am a slightly expressed extravert, I have a distinctively expressed personality, a moderately expressed feeling personality, and a slightly expressed judging personality. The results were close but there is one thing I know to be false. I never ever judge! The test also told me that I would make a good receptionist...doesn't exactly sound like a job for Fresh Money, but I suppose anything is possible. Well that's the word on the street! Fresh Money out.

Punishments of Trust

What is the cost of knowing secrets? The cost for that moment of thrill we get knowing we know information only a few other lucky people get to know? Michael Haller told the secret. Raul Levin payed the price. Levin was Haller's go to guy for all the dirt he used in the courtroom. On his current case, with Beverly Hills rich boy Louis Roulet, he confined secrets with Levin that he hardly trusted himself to have. When Haller woke up on Saturday morning, he awake to every defense lawyers dream come true: a free day. His schedule was clear, his mind was clear, and he seemed stress free. The only event scheduled for that day was a baseball game with his good friend Raul! Imagine Micheal's surprise when he is sitting at the game without Raul by his side, and a phone to ear with a detectives voice on the other end speaking of murder. Levin's murder seems to be a mystery to everyone else, except for Haller. He knows exactly who shot the gun that took his friends life. Proving his knowledge will be the hardest part of all. For once he finds out what kind of gun the murderer used, his finds he has the exact same gun. And it's missing. That's the word on the street. Fresh Money out.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Through the journey of Michael Haller, the Lincoln Lawyer has been an exciting read so far. I am two hundred and fourteen pages in and not even half way to the end. However, I snuck a peek at the book my brother is reading, Tips for My Unborn Son, and found it very funny! My favorite sentences of week have been:

         1. "Some call me the devil, but I'm a greasey angel." The wise words of Michael Haller refering to his job as a defense lawyer.

         2. "Men are never allowed to wear sandels. Ever." Agreed. A tip from "Tips for my Unborn Son"

         3 " Don't ask her size. Know it." good advice for the modern day idiot who asks. A tip from "Tips for my Unborn Son".

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Thickeninng Plot

I have taken time off from running these streets to inform of the latest status of Michael Haller. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a man who is in one tough pickle. Haller seems to be realizing his biggest fear is becoming a reality: the innocent client. Before Louis Roulet came into Haller’s life, he never second guessed his way around the court room. Roulet looked like the perfect client: rich and famous. Paying the high price came as no problem for this Beverly Hills native, and the cameras came as great publicity for Haller. However, now having an innocent client could lead him down a long road filled with unimaginable guilt. The innocent client is the hardest client to prove innocent, and locking up an innocent man could haunt Haller for the rest of his days. In a simple 'wrong place at the wrong time' scenario, the voice of the innocent is getting quieter and quieter as the evidence comes rolling it; which raises the question 'is this man telling the truth?' and 'how much can you really trust someone?'.  Haller puts his faith in Roulets words, but he quickly finds that even Roulet’s little white lies may lead to destruction. Haller’s brain cannot stop questioning Roulet, and won’t be settled until the honest truth is revealed.  Well as of right now, that’s the word on the street! Fresh Money out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My First Blog

Everybody craves a good book. As we read the pages we are led into an unknown world and an unknown reality that we have never known before. Right now I am reading the Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly. Michael Connelly is known for his tales of lawful justice and the Lincoln Lawyer provides new insight into a defense lawyer’s hectic life. The reader follows Michael Haller, a well-known defense lawyer famous for his winning streak in the courtroom, through unjust trials and tough jail birds. However, Haller provides us with more than just life in the confined walls of courtroom. Haller is dedicated to his job and seems to live for the thrill of defining just what exactly the justice system is made of. Unfortunately, that seems to be all he lives for. With five ex-wives and a daughter, Hayley, whose only example of a father is a present in the mail on her birthday; Haller's social life seems to be hanging by a thread. With the battle of good vs. bad constantly running through Haller's mind, he is forced to not only change his behavior, but his tactics in the courtroom. Though I am only half way through this crazy novel, I have been on my toes since the very beginning. Each page seems to thicken the plot and send the reader into a deeper trance that is harder to break with each page turned. Well that is the word on the streets. Fresh Money out.