Friday, November 4, 2011


We have a new book! I decided my bad luck with books began when I started reading books that were not made into major motion pictures, so i back tracked and chose a book with a movie background! At first, however, i did not know this book was a motion picture until somone told me. I am only on page 34 but i am liking this book wayy better than Deathss Little Helpers. The novel tells a story of three woman: Clarissa Vaughan, Laura Brown, and Virgina Woolf. They all have different stories and backgrounds that are very different yet the same. Thus far I have only met Clarissa and a little bit of Virgina. Laura is a still a complete mystery. The writer writes with a lot of beautiful deatial and desrcibes things in way that are outside the box. My favorite sentences so far are...

1."Still, she loves the world for being rude and indestructible, and she knows other people must love it too, poor as well as rich, though o one speaks specifically of the reasons".

2."This determined, abiding fasination is what she thinks of as her soul (an emberassing, sentimental word, but what else to call it?); the part that might conceivably survive the death of the body."

3." Wind worries the leaves, showing the brighter, grayer green of ther undersides."

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