Friday, September 30, 2011

Currently yo

Well I am only sixty pages into this weeks reading (disappointing i know), but finding sentences of the weeks is a very easy task with this book. There was a vast amount to choose from and each meant something to Alex Supertramp. A lot of the sentences are from books that were found in the bus- high lighted and scribbled to death-when Alex's body was discovered. Well here we go..

1.) "It should not be denied...that being footlose has always exhilerated us."- Written by Wallace Stegner in "The American West As Living Space"

2.) "No man ever followed his genius till it misled him"- Written by Henry David Thoreau in "Walden, or Life In the Woods

3.)"It is true that many creative people fail to make mature personal relationships, and some are extremely isolated. It is also true that, in some instances, trauma, in the shape of early separation or bereavement, has steered the potentially creative person toward developing aspects of his personality which can find fulfillment in comparative isolation." Written by Anthony Stork in "Solitude: A Return To the Self" This one is my favorite because when first read it sounds intellectual and promotes solitude. But I believe that solitude for the creative mind is a punishment, and actually not good at all.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A tough blog

Before reading "Into the Wild" I watched the motion in which the book was made into. Seeing the movie has made it difficult for me to really get into this book because I already know what happens. A few things have changed, but the names and places are all the exact same. I am a little less then a week into the  book and I am only sixty pages in. To some people that may seem like a lot, but to me, a dedicated reader, that is not very impressive. The book is very well written. And the Author tells a tragic story without being bias. However, unlike the movie it is not a necessarily a narrative. The author tells of his interviews from first person which is a disappointing twist. Of course there really isn't any other way to truly depict the journey of Alex Supertramp, otherwise known as Chris McCandless in a former life. It's hard to write about each of his journeys without giving away the whole story! But his journeys are inspiring to say the least. Alex meets people that the average person normally stays away from, and he takes everything away from that person that is possible. He learns and studies and passes on what he has learn in a way that is not at all arrogant. Every person he met on the road he left a part of himself with. Whether they were rubber tramps or eighty year old men with nothing left to their name, he brought a smile bright enough to mask a cloudy day. Well Ladies and Gentelmen that is the word on the streets! Fresh Money out

Friday, September 23, 2011


With the one more book under my belt I have moved onto a new book called "Into to the Wild." Written by Jon Krakauer. The book shares of the story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, and his adventure to Alaska to escape a materialistic world. Adding up the ending pages from The Help and the new pages of Into the Wild, that would bring my total number of pages read this week 140. Today Mr. Hill has asked us to choose our favorite sentences that we have blogged about so far. Well here we go...

1.) "Philanthropy isn't only measured in dollars." This is one of my favorites because when I grow up i want to work in Philanthropy, but it is never too early to start giving.

2.) "Before I know it, she done pulled down her panties and tinkled in it ( the old toilet sitting in the front yard) and I'm chasing after her with half a dozen horns honking and a man in a hat taking pictures."

3.) ." 'And isn't it kind of expensive, carting all this tin across the world to Ethipoia?' Mary Joline asks. 'Doesn't it make more sense just to send a check?' (referring to giving canned food to the poor starving children in Ethipoia)
4.) "No tattoos, unless you're in the armed forces" just some general good advice.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The beginning of the end

I have come to the end of "The Help" and it was an excellent! The ending was a bit of a cliff hanger though. However, the three ladies journey came to an end that seemed to start a whole new adventure. Miss. Skeeter and Steve's jourey came to a sad end. One night by a fire he purposed to Miss. Skeeter! The same night Miss. Skeeter told him about her novel about the maids. As the words came out of her mouth the love seemed to come out of his heart. He picked up the ring, walked out the door and never turned back. Miss. Skeeter's luck did turn around, however, when she got a job in New York. Her new journey begins in the big city. The same night Miss. Skeeter left was the same night Minny decided she had had enough. Over the years she had taken physical abuse from her husband, and when Mr. Ceclia told her she would always have a job as their house, she knew she was free. Her journey began the moment she put her foot down and chose to leave her husband. AiBileens journey though may not be so sweet. Hilly told Mrs. Leefolt that AiBileen stole, therefore Mrs. Leefolt took away her job. Forcing her to leave behind Mae Mobley. She worked her heart out to make sure that child knew black and whites were equal, and her job wasn't finished yet. AiBileens heart was broken and she knew she was too old to find another family. Her journey is new and scary.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Five Claims yo

Top 5 include..
1.) From Kims corner we have..." In BĂ©renger's black and white photograph, his dramatic contrast and enticing depth of field draw the viewer into the picture with active negative space that elevates the shadows from the composition to illustrate an ominous and mysterious mood." I find this  one to be the most commanding that authoritative. Kim used excellent wording I liked her photograph

2.) Our next one comes from Phyllis who writes..."[In this scene from Vincent van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night , his colorful and exciting use of setting, busy but pleasant mood, and inviting cozy buildings]portrays [a sense of playful benevolence and lighthearted liveliness.]"

3.) Our number three spot goes to The New Zealaner....Claim: On the album cover of Titus Andronicus's "The Airing of Grievances," the commanding, classic font and layout of the cover, as well as the cluttered and colorful use of space in the photograph convey the band's homely practice environment and admiration for the old-fashioned symbols of history.  

4.) In the fourth spot we have a claim on one of my favorite songs..." In this video of Adele preforming "Someone Like You" live, the audiance hears her explosive, elegant voice, with lyrics that have a powerful, motionless, old-fashioned message to them that creats a tranquil vibe throughout the theater." Brought to you by T-Rex

 5.) Finally we have a claim by Eddie stating...."This passionate picture shows a strong sturctured, elegant ballet dancer expressing her confident sharp body language, elegant attire, and complex poised position."                                          

                                                       MOST OUTSTANDING AND CREATIVE
 The award for most creative goes to... RocketGuild"The soothing, cheerful melodies and harmonies, light vocal instrumentation, and playful, relaxed rhythms in McFerrin's song, depicts a mood of lighthearted cheerfulness and soothing rejuvenation." This is one of my favorite songs and they did a great job expressing what this song is all about

Monday, September 19, 2011

Faith in Leaping

Rythem: slow, piano, deep
facial expression: straight, serious, somber, personal
posture: straight
voice: steady,  friendly, beautiful
words: advice, personal

Jaron Lowenstein, otherwise known as Jaron and the Long Road to love, reveals a deep and personal side through his beautiful music. His posture is straight and serious, and with his deep friendly eyes it seems as if he is singing to you about taking a leap of faith.

Friday, September 16, 2011


This fine friday marks the end of the week.In total I have 292 pages of The Help this week alone. That means I am 408 pages in, and a little over half way to the end. My three favorite sentences of the week include:

 1. "A man-a naked man- is out by the azaleas!"

  2. "Before I know it, she done pulled down her panties and tinkled in it ( the old toilet sitting in the front yard) and I'm chasing after her with half a dozen horns honking and a man in a hat taking pictures.

  3." 'And isn't it kind of expensive, carting all this tin across the world to Ethipoia?' Mary Joline asks. 'Doesn't it make more sense just to send a check?' And this, ladies and gentlemen, is my favorite quote of the week! The ladies club is made up of fake, as clearly ignorant, fools who pretend to care about the world surround them! This just shows the proof of that ignorance.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The rising love interest..

The Help would be the last book I would imagine to have a love interest that could take up a whole chapter. However, it seems to be one of the only things on Miss. Skeeters young mind. While other women at her age are already married, poppin out babies and holding get togethers at their houses, Eugina chose a different path. The simple white picket fence life was not enough for young Eugina. She dreamed of hard hitting journalism, not hard hitting stains or chasing little ones around. By following her dream she gave up men, so much so that her mother was beginning to believe her daughter was a lesbian. But imagine her mothers joyfulness when a man, who is very tall and very handsome, shows up one their door step wanting to take young Eugina out on a date. Ever since that day Miss. Skeeter has been head over heels. My predicition: this handsome young man seems to love the fact Eugina won't settle for anything less than her dreams coming true. However, perhaps writing the stories of black maids isn't what he had in mind. The heat of her novel is going to cause a fire between the two, but i have high hopes for them in the end. Well that's the word on the streets. Fresh Money out!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The price of good help

As I go further into my reading I have learned a lot about these three ladies. My favorite character is still AiBileen, she has had a rough life but she doesn't let it show; which takes quite a bit of courage. While talking to miss. Skeeter, Aibileen let out a little secret that her son, treelore, was going to write a book about being a black boy living in a world filled with white people. The moment the words hit Miss. Skeeters ears they haven't left. The idea inspired her and encouraged her to write a novel about the lives of black maids doing a white woman's dirty work. After much debate and persuasion, Miss. Skeeter received a phone call from Aibileen agreeing to help her with her story. At first their nerves were high and the tip toeing didn't help. But Aibileen came up with a plan to write down her own story and then Miss. Skeeter will change the names and edit it! As of right now the plan seems to be working! AiBileen and Miss. Skeeter seem to even be building a friendship, however, perhaps things are working too well. Miss. Skeeter has been lying to her mom to talk to Aibileen, using church as an excuse to get out of the house. How long until her mother finds out? Things can never stay perfect for very long, it is only a matter of time before they are ruined. Well that's the word on the streets! Fresh Money out.

Friday, September 9, 2011


The Help, written by Kathryn Stockett, has proved to be a great read! I am only one hundred and twenty five pages in and my jaw has already dropped from the events that Stockett has written. My three sentences of the week that Stockett has written are:

1."The marches  in Birmingham, Martin Luther King Jr., The dogs attacking colored children. Darling, its the hottest news in the nation."

2."I do this with you, i miswell burn down my own house!"

3."Shhh please!" This is my favorite, because it is miss Aibileen telling mrs. sketter, a white woman to shus up!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I forgot to post a Currently comment last week..and Mr. Hill needs one...So here goes nothin! Last friday I had only read one book: The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly. It was an exciting read that I couldn't put down! However, I also read Rules for my unborn Son. A book that my brother read filled with pages of rules for the unborn son. It's funny and is the complete opposite of The Lincoln Lawyer. My favorite sentences came from it....

1. "Live in New York."
2. "Philanthropy isn't only measured in dollars."
3. "No tattoos, unless you're in the armed forces"
     this one is my favorite since I have friends in the armed forces and each of them have a tattoo!

The Help

The lincoln Lawyer was a good book, however, the show must go on! So now I have moved onto a novel called The Help, written by Kathryn Stockett. I've heard marvelous things about this novel, but now it's my turn to see it if the rumors are true. As of now I am one hundred and thirteen pages in, and the rumors seem to be truthful! This novel follows the story of three women in 1962 in the state of Mississippi, one of the most racist states in the United States. Stockett provides an inside look at  the lives of Aibileen Clarks, a black and kind hearted maid, with a sad history; Minny, a black maid who wears her thoughts on her sleeve and never holds back; and Miss. Skeeter, a white socilite fresh out of collage with a degree in Journalism and loads of ambition. From the outside looking in these three women seem to be sterotypical women of the 60's. However, each one has their own personal struggles and beliefs that set them aside from any other woman of the 60's. Well that is the word on the streets! Fresh Money out.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Good vs Evil

Well ladies and gentelmen, I have come to the end of the Lincoln Lawyer! By the last page and the last sentence, my heart was racing! Connelly certainly knows how to pull in a reader and keep them hooked until the end. Throughout my reading though the question of 'how does one recognize evil?' was brought up in my mind  again and again. Michael Haller looked innocence in the eye and could not recognize it, how could any of us? He deals with dirt bag killers for a living, therefore, you would think he would be so desperate to see a glimmer of innocence he would jump on the first opportunity he saw! Unfortunately, Haller nearly gave up his life in order to see and believe in innocence again. I highly recommend The Lincoln Lawyer to someone who enjoys a hardcore plot and a roller coaster of emotions. Well that's the word of the street! Fresh Money out.