Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The beginning of the end

I have come to the end of "The Help" and it was an excellent! The ending was a bit of a cliff hanger though. However, the three ladies journey came to an end that seemed to start a whole new adventure. Miss. Skeeter and Steve's jourey came to a sad end. One night by a fire he purposed to Miss. Skeeter! The same night Miss. Skeeter told him about her novel about the maids. As the words came out of her mouth the love seemed to come out of his heart. He picked up the ring, walked out the door and never turned back. Miss. Skeeter's luck did turn around, however, when she got a job in New York. Her new journey begins in the big city. The same night Miss. Skeeter left was the same night Minny decided she had had enough. Over the years she had taken physical abuse from her husband, and when Mr. Ceclia told her she would always have a job as their house, she knew she was free. Her journey began the moment she put her foot down and chose to leave her husband. AiBileens journey though may not be so sweet. Hilly told Mrs. Leefolt that AiBileen stole, therefore Mrs. Leefolt took away her job. Forcing her to leave behind Mae Mobley. She worked her heart out to make sure that child knew black and whites were equal, and her job wasn't finished yet. AiBileens heart was broken and she knew she was too old to find another family. Her journey is new and scary.

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