Sunday, October 30, 2011

An update!

My blog is named update. And yet my book has failed to update at all. Every door that March has opened this far has been violently slammed in his face. Even his relationship with Jane is going down the drain! It seems like nothing is happening in this book. The author may call it suspense, I call it boredom. We were introduced to a reporter Linda Sovitch, and at first i believed that she was innocent. She has a big reputation and a lot to lose by hurting Danes. Plus, she always has a pair of eyes watching her. But has Danes wonders down an aimless path to no where, I wonder if she is covering something up. She certainly has the money to make Danes shut up for awhile. Plus a loyal assistant would certainly get the job done. Well that's the word on the streets. Fresh Money out!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close-Reading Bingo

1.) Our first mistake comes from I think therefore I am! When this know it all says "The common language doesn't detract from the poetic melody of the sergeants thoughts." this is too vague and is a classic mistake.

2.) The second mistakes is  brought to us by Happy Go Lucky! when they say  "Maybe, they were said nonchanlty, if anything." this sentence is in past tense and is a big no no.

3.) Third spot is lucky enough to go to Keep It Classy when this classy person put "The narrator briefly discusses his “lousy childhood” and “all that David Copperfield kind of crap." this person forgot the proper puncuations. How emberassing.

4.) And last spot goes to...Doctor Von Brown in a way i honestly don't even understand. Finally, the diction of the first page in John Steinbeck's The Winter of Our Discontent is in the fourth quadrant. Idon't know what this doctor is trying to get across and it wayy to vague.

M y top choice of the day...
BOOK WORM DAYS!  I really enjoyed when their opening sentence In The Secret Life of Bees Kidd exhibits a musical, soft diction that exemplifies the sad atmosphere that surrounds the main character, Lily...They did such a good job and i am just soo proud of them! Congratulations Book Worm!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Practice Diction Analysis

Mr. Hill has asked for a complete, yet brief, close reading of "The Mezzanine" by Nicholson Baker so here goes nothing!

In this short excerpt from "The Mezzanine", Baker provides detailed imagery that depicts the scene of the lobby. Baker describes as the escalator as "They were the free standing kind: a pair of integral signs swooping upward between the two floors they served without struts or piers to bear any intermediate weight" and  he tells us that "On sunny days like this one, a temporary, steeper escalator of daylight, formed by intersections of the lobby's towering volumes of marble and glass, met the real escalators just above their middle point, spreading into a needly area of shine where it fell against their brushed-steel side-pannels, and adding long glossy highlights to each of the black rubber handrails" By using such imagery and specific details, one is able to clearly paint a picture of the lobby in their minds.

Thus far...

Thus far I have formed my own opinion on who I believe knows more about Danes than they are letting on. I believe it was Ines. She cares a great deal for Nina, Danes ex, and Billy, Danes and Ninas son. I think she would do anything to make Danes go away and lessen Nina's fiery temper. She tries to hide behind her Mexican accent and look completely sweet and innocent, but it can't fool me! Everybody else seems too obvious. However, thus far in the novel March seems to be at a stand still. It seems as if nothing new or unpredictable has happened. Im half way through and was expecting some sort of lead about who knows what happen to Danes. But nope. Nothing. Well guess I'll just have to keep reading! That's the word on the streets. fresh money out.

Friday, October 21, 2011


This week I continued  to read Death's little helps by peter Spiegelman. So far it was proven to be a good read, though i am only a hundred pages in I have managed to form my own opinion of the mystery of Dane's disappearance. But instead of revealing my opinions, Mr. Hill has asked us to look at our fellow bloggers and see some of the best sentences of their "Style Mapping" assignment. Top five include...

!.) Our top sentences comes from Kims Corner! She is reading "The Virgin Suicide" and states that "In Neil's excerpt he writes in a style that is dull and archaic as he describes that stoney features of the town of Wall"

2.) The second spot goes to Eddie! She is reading "Blood Meridian" and tells us that  McCarthy "uses figurative language to also describe his fear of citizenry and uses vast diction to add a old fashion appearance to the novel."

 3.) Our third place goes to T-Rex who is also reading "Blood Meridian" and she tells us that  
" describes the early morning dusk with low connotating language to convey the hash and gentle setting of the exert"

4.) In fourth place comes RocketGuild who is reading Star Dust. RocketGuild tells us that "The diction is fragile and overlaps a light use of figuratuve language. The passage includes mildy sweet language such as "granite amidtst a small forest woodland." in the story

5.) At last place, the loser of the bunch who wasn't good enough for the top four spots, comes from Becca's blog! yay! Becca is reading The Things they carried and she says "

The elevation of his diction is pretty average - not rude or flowery - and the sound can be described as both grating and melodious as he switches between describing the horrors and beauties of war."

Well that's the word on the streets folks. Fresh Money out

Who do you think it is?

Names of suspects on March's "Peoples who might know more than they are letting on possibly even abducted Danes" list:
1.) Nina Sachs-angry lesbian ex-wife of Greg Danes. She seems to be a very mean and ill tempered lady who could snap and any moment. She decided calling the cops would lead to a scandal and private eye was the way to go. Perhaps she believes taking in the innocent approach is the best alibi?

2.) Ines-angry lesbians new lady friend.Personally, i believe she is too nice to commit such a crime. But its always the nice ones you have to look out for.

3.)Ms. Pratt-Work associate of Danes. Her whole world revolves around the stock market, and when Danes led her business into the ground she was bitter. But how bitter?

4.)Dennis Turpin- Worked with Danes. before he went missing Turpin and Danes had a brawl and Danes went storming out of the building. He's been acting hostile and very tempered when it comes to March's investigation It would be almost too obvious to point the finger at him, but sometimes our eyes miss the most obvious things.

5.) Linda Sovitch- a beautiful news reporter that had a relationship with Danes after his divorce. The married reporter has a big reputation and would lose a lot by hurting Danes. However, when March introduced this journalist it was apparent she was holding back. Will her spotlight reveal and even bigger truth? 

...Who do you think it is?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping

A rainy day has brought us to lazy blogging in class today. We've been asked to depict and compare the style of writing among three books we have read. Each book has its own voice. My three choices are :Into the Wild, Death's Little Helpers, and Crank. Into the Wild tells a true and humbling story of Christopher McCandless and his quest to alaska. The words on the pages create a  language of denotative tone and sound almost journalistic as if I was reading a two hundred page newpapers article. But none the less, Jon Krakauer manages to create a sad melody with the explanation of Chris McCandless's death. Death's Little Helpers has a melody to it as well but the melody is almost haunting and gives the reader a chill down his or her back. The author comes across as both vulgar and blunt at the same time. However, crank brings writing that is very different to the table. Crank tells a story entirely in poem from. The language is dark and haunting, and creates both heart ache and fear. The author writes in a strictly connotative language.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Another new book

Here we have a new novel to this Fresh Money blog. Death's Little Helpers is a mystery about the disappearance of Gregory Danes.  Described by his ex-wife Greg was a lousy husband and an even lousier father. With a long list of enemies it's no wonder that Greg that went missing. However, is it really as dangerous as people are making it seem. Gregory had a shameful face and reputation that is far from sparkling,perhaps his embarrassment finally caught up with him? That's up to  John March, well known for getting the job done, detective. John has had his share of dangerous business taken too far. Four years ago his wife was brutally murdered by men who decided March knew too much. But he has given his  heart time to heal and has found new love. Jane has experienced March's business and she knows the risk of falling in love with John, but the heart wants what the heart wants. But will her heart lead  her down a dangerous road? Perhaps John will realize yet again what risks are taken when duty calls.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

And thanks goodness for another ending..

And so we say goodbye to yet another bad book. Girls in trucks proved to be a bad read after all. There was no story at all. In the beginning I actually liked the main character, Sarah. But that soon changed. The story begins by introducing Sarah in 7th grade and ends with her in her early thirties. In between those years she has her heart broken, she sleeps with every man yet does not get emotionally attached to anyone of them. And in the end nothing has changed. The only thing she is attached to is  her daughter, Jessie, which came from a one night stand with a German tourist with an angry wife. Go her. This book is two hundred pages of the exact same thing happening again and again. There  is  no story, only brief glimpses of hope that are crushed each time Sarah does something stupid to ruin it! A very very lame read. Hopefully my luck will change soon. Well that's the word on the streets. Fresh Money out.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Most days after school one would find me lying in bed with a book in my hand, lazily reading the stories of made up people that come from ones imaginations, or the true tales of those with wild imaginations. This quarter I have read 5 books, and my favorite has been the Lincoln Lawyer. The Lincoln Lawyer originially caught my eye because it looked like something my daddy would have read, plus it was different than anything else i had read in the past. This novel never provided a moment of boringness and kept on my toes up until the very last page! My goal this semester is to continue reading books that normally would not have caught my eye in the past.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Kim is writing a poem
It will  probably be lame
But maybe she's not to blame
She once again picked a bad book
It's a story about a cook
Who gives an evil look
But today Kim is looking ravishing
Her polka dot flatts are rather lavish
As for me i am in Sweats
It's what i normally wear
I do not care
Fore at seven in the morning I can not think
But today i did wear pink!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Girls in Trucks

I have stumbled upon a book that is a first for my blog. Girls in Trucks written by Katie Crouch is the only book that has been read thus far that was not made into a major motion picture, and is a little bit of a chick flick. Girls in Trucks tells the story of Sarah Walters, a regular girl living in a debutant world. Her story beings when she is in 7th grade with her four best friends. They all grow up and they separate, all except her all Charlotte. Charlotte is the dare devil that Sarah is not, and they compliment each others quite well. Through her journey with boys and escaping a life of white gloves and overly cheery smiles, Sarah takes us with her. Well that's the word in the streets folks! Fresh Money out.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

and FINALLY it's over

I love reading. I love reading a good book. I did not love Into the Wild. It tells an amazing story and gives a beautiful insight into the life of Christopher McCandless! But it dragged on and on that by the end I was actually glad to put it down. The author tells a story that could easily be written in a bias manner, in a bias way, which leaves the reader to create his or her own opinion. But the author revealed too much detail into things i don't care about. When the author went back to the place where Christopher died he was accompanied by three men, I don't care where they went to school or where they grew up! I only wanted to hear about Christopher-turned Supertramp. And his journey into the wild. However, the end was amazing. It didn't have some deep thought that left the reader wondering and wanting more (No I definitely didn't want more) it instead gave Alex Supertramp and Christopher McCandless peace. The book gave the reader all the facts and all the tales, without leaving anything up to contradiction, and let the reader decide how to take it. In the end it all seemed innocent, it didn't take away the pain or end the grieving, but it put the minds and hearts at peace.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today in etymology

Today in class
the boy next to me has gas
I am suppose to be writing my paper
But I want to do it later
For right now I am dealing with the boy
His name is Loid
I think he ate mexican
whatever it is his body did not agree
The smell is filling my nose
With every second it grows
It smells like dirty toes
What will make it go away?
I hope it doesn't last all day!
I can no longer hold my breath!
I fear Loid is going to send me to my death!
Only one more minute.
Come on clock I can't take it!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sitting Next to KIm

I am sitting next to Kim.
If she were a man her name would be Tim.
She is mad and frustrated about the "Art Of" project
The topic we chose Mr. Hill chose to reject
So now we are no longer partners
We just simply sit by side
Her shoes glitter
But I'm not bitter
She picked out a lame book to read
She is learning and growing
like a young seed!
Well this is the end, i am glad
don't be mad
and please don't shout
Fresh Money out

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Day is Monday

Monday begins yet another week, as does it begin another week for blogging! Happy happy joy joy. I have read twenty pages of Into the Wild today and I am beginning to get more and more into it. This book is unique in that it gives detail to Alex's past. The author, Jon Krakauer, interviewed everyone he could hunt down that has any connection to Supertramp. He also wrote two chapters about people with stories similar to Alex's. Some were stubborn and ill prepared,  others were just flat out crazy; but each one went out into the wild and never came back. They were leaving behind a materialistic world and entering a world of whimsical yet deadly nature. Each man went into the wild without being prepared. Men who were so caught up in there own ambitions that they forgot the number one rule: be prepared. McCandless died thanks to a simple boy scout mistake of eating poisonous berries! One little mistake that took his life. The fact that Christopher McCandless's tale is not a rare one is somewhat heart breaking. I knew that he could not be  the only one set out to find his or herself in nature, but knowing that others who were also so bound and determined yet unsuccessful, sends out a depressing message that screams of hope being lost, of quitting, of accepting society for what it is. However, I believe each man, although ignorant, died an honorable death. Everyday people get caught up in the motions. Living each day the exact same and avoid the challenge of standing out in the crowd. These men took that challenge. They tried.