Friday, October 21, 2011

Who do you think it is?

Names of suspects on March's "Peoples who might know more than they are letting on possibly even abducted Danes" list:
1.) Nina Sachs-angry lesbian ex-wife of Greg Danes. She seems to be a very mean and ill tempered lady who could snap and any moment. She decided calling the cops would lead to a scandal and private eye was the way to go. Perhaps she believes taking in the innocent approach is the best alibi?

2.) Ines-angry lesbians new lady friend.Personally, i believe she is too nice to commit such a crime. But its always the nice ones you have to look out for.

3.)Ms. Pratt-Work associate of Danes. Her whole world revolves around the stock market, and when Danes led her business into the ground she was bitter. But how bitter?

4.)Dennis Turpin- Worked with Danes. before he went missing Turpin and Danes had a brawl and Danes went storming out of the building. He's been acting hostile and very tempered when it comes to March's investigation It would be almost too obvious to point the finger at him, but sometimes our eyes miss the most obvious things.

5.) Linda Sovitch- a beautiful news reporter that had a relationship with Danes after his divorce. The married reporter has a big reputation and would lose a lot by hurting Danes. However, when March introduced this journalist it was apparent she was holding back. Will her spotlight reveal and even bigger truth? 

...Who do you think it is?

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