Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close-Reading Bingo

1.) Our first mistake comes from I think therefore I am! When this know it all says "The common language doesn't detract from the poetic melody of the sergeants thoughts." this is too vague and is a classic mistake.

2.) The second mistakes is  brought to us by Happy Go Lucky! when they say  "Maybe, they were said nonchanlty, if anything." this sentence is in past tense and is a big no no.

3.) Third spot is lucky enough to go to Keep It Classy when this classy person put "The narrator briefly discusses his “lousy childhood” and “all that David Copperfield kind of crap." this person forgot the proper puncuations. How emberassing.

4.) And last spot goes to...Doctor Von Brown in a way i honestly don't even understand. Finally, the diction of the first page in John Steinbeck's The Winter of Our Discontent is in the fourth quadrant. Idon't know what this doctor is trying to get across and it wayy to vague.

M y top choice of the day...
BOOK WORM DAYS!  I really enjoyed when their opening sentence In The Secret Life of Bees Kidd exhibits a musical, soft diction that exemplifies the sad atmosphere that surrounds the main character, Lily...They did such a good job and i am just soo proud of them! Congratulations Book Worm!

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